The Saisan Training System
Experience Dario’s Modern, Rapid-Results Coaching Framework That Elevates Your Reputation, Retains Clients, and Cuts Out ‘One-Size-Fits-All’ Programs - Learn Exactly How To Write Training Programs like Dario.
Introduction & Special Thanks
Learning & Doing Your Research
Critical Thinking
Don't Speak in Absolutes
Professionalism & Integrity
Let Your Results Speak
Practice what You Preach
Don't Marry a System
There are no Inherently Bad Exercises
Don't Defeat the Purpose
Using Tools
Coaching IS Learning
Linear VS Complex
Understanding Physics & the Human Body
Choosing the Right Exercises
Principles of Long Term Athletic Development
Execution is King
Developing Physical Qualities
FREE PREVIEWSimplifying your Exercise Selection Process
Training Reactive
Variation & Motor Learning
Using Constraints as Teaching Tools
Cueing & Demonstrations
Warm Ups
Strength Training Overview
Progressing Lower Body Strength Training
Individualizing (Lower Body) Strength Training to Body Types
FREE PREVIEWDetecting a Wide vs Narrow
Upper Body Training
Mobility Training
Power Training
Periodization Overview
Periodization - Perfecting the Microcycle
Periodization - Looking at different Macrocycle Set-Ups
Programming Lower Body Training
Programming Upper Body Training
How much Volume should I program?
Plyometrics Overview
Plyometrics Programming Strategy
Learning to interact well with the Ground in Plyometrics
FREE PREVIEWComplete Plyometric Progression
Final Thoughts on Plyometrics
Full Programming Decision Making Framework (Value 250€)
Dario's exact Plyometric System & Progression models as well as coaching instructions for Reactive Strength Development (Value 250€)
Complete Speed Training Philosophy built on Constraint-Based Learning & seamless integration into Teamsport-Schedules (Value 300€)
Understand Coaching Eye to identify the needs of athletes WITHOUT any expensive technology (Value 400€)
Full Proven Business Philosophy for running a lucrative S&C Business (Value 500€)
Total value: 1700€. By enrolling in this course for just 447€ you save 1250€
Industry Leaders dropping Uncensored Knowledge
Bonus Interview #1: David Grey Rehab
David stands unrivaled as potentially the best physiotherapist on a global scale. His deep grasp of biomechanics, paired with his integrative use of plyometrics for rehab & ultimately performance enhancement, sets a benchmark in the rehabilitation arena. David shares his thoughts around his profound understanding of ribcage compression-expansion dynamics, posterior pelvic tilting and addressing neck tension issues effectively.
Bonus Interview #2: Coleman Ayers from ByAnyMeansBasketball
The best way for us coaches to maximize outputs & thereby training adaptations for our clients is by designing an electric training environments & getting athletes neurally excited for the session. Coleman is the embodiment of this philosophy, implementing it every day at his own gym, Detail Miami. The addition of his field-tested expertise provides a remarkable learning experience.
Bonus Interview #3: Alex Effer from Resilient Rehab
Alex is one of the great biomechanics minds in the industry. His expertise on internal rotation, hip extension & the gait cycle add significant value to the contents of this course. He explains kinesiological principles & along with fitting exercise selections to improve those very joint actions.
Bonus Interview #4: Angus Bradley
Angus is an incredibly critical thinker and biomechanically well-versed mind in the coaching industry. He dismisses many common strength training beliefs and backs them with scientific as well as anecdotal evidence that just make sense. Our dialogue revolves around the principles of periodization and the interplay of biopsychosocial factors in training.
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